Special Town Board Meeting

Town of Dodge Special Board Meeting
Town of Dodge, Trempealeau County

The Town Board of the Town of Dodge, Trempealeau County, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of a special public meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dodge for November 25, 2024 which shall follow the public hearing on the proposed 2025 budget and town budget meeting at 6:30 pm, at the Dodge Town Hall, a Town Board Meeting will be held for the following purpose.


  1. Call to order.
  2. Roll call/Verification of public notice and approval of agenda of the town board meeting.
  3. Specific matters for discussion and possible action by town board in open session:
    1. Review and approval of mill rate worksheet and special assessment, delinquencies, special charges.
    2. Closed Session: For the purpose of performance evaluation of sanitary district employee. The Town Board may convene into Closed Session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Following Closed Session, the Town Board may reconvene in open session.
  4. Communications and petitions by town clerk and chair.
  5. Future meeting agenda/Discussion and possible action on future town board agenda, including specific items for inclusion on or exclusion from future agenda.
  6. Adjournment.

Meeting notice posted as follows: Dodge Town Hall, Dodge Post Office and Dodge Town Website (https://townofdodgewi.com) on November 24, 2024. 

PUBLIC NOTICE is further given that any changes in the final agenda will be posted at the Dodge Town Hall, window of the side entrance, not later than 24 hours prior to the meeting.